Garage Organizing Tips

Organized garage

Now is the best time to organize your outdoor spaces before the weather gets too hot. Get your garage, shed, and outdoor spaces organized with these tips:

  1. Pull it all out. Go through everything you have stored in your garage and decide if it needs to be there. Are these things still in good working condition?

  2. Move out-of-season gear to the back. There’s no reason you should have to squeeze past the snow blower every time you have to mow the lawn. Rotate your seasonal gear if you have a small garage. If your garage is large enough, you can designate one side for winter gear and one side for summer gear.

  3. Use your vertical space. Invest in some heavy duty shelving. Home Depot has some great options for plastic garage shelving. As much as possible, use these shelves to store your items vertically. Get them off the floor where there might be bugs and other critters and keep a ladder or step stool nearby. Pegboards and overhead racks can also make use of the vertical space.

  4. Decide what needs to be easily accessible. Organizing your space allows you to find what you need easily. If your kids need access to their bikes every day, store them near the door. Hang your garden tools so you can see them.

  5. Leave empty shelves. Leave room for your family to grow, especially if you have children. Over packed garages can be frustrating, especially when you’re searching for that one item you know is in there, but you’re not quite sure where.

  6. Don’t be afraid to get dirty. Garages and outdoors spaces can be dirty places. Be prepared to sweep up some dirt and knock down some cobwebs! If this sounds like a job you’d rather not do, hire a professional organizer to do it for you!

Don’t wait until Summer to think about your garage. Use the warmer months to relax and enjoy your backyard. A professional organizer can help you map out your garage and use your space more efficiently.

Looking for more info on hiring a professional organizer in New Jersey?


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